Welcome To Young Adult Portal

Help the young adults.Make big changes and help the world.





Our Organization

We are thrilled to present the sponsorship deck for Young Adult Portal, a dynamic and forward-thinking organization dedicated to empowering out-of-school, out-of-work (OSOW) young adults in vulnerable communities. At Young Adult Portal, we believe that every young adult, regardless of their background or circumstances, deserves equal access to education, employment, and economic opportunities. Our innovative platforms and collaborative partnerships have the power to transform the lives of young adults, closing the opportunity gap, promoting inclusivity, and supporting their personal and professional growth. Join us in shaping a brighter future by becoming a sponsor and making a lasting impact on the lives of young adults in need. Together, let’s unlock their full potential and create a more equitable and inclusive world.

Our Values

Our Programs

Educational Programs

young adult platform

Mentorship Programs

The Problem

Limited access to education and skills training

Recent research by the Economic Policy Institute (EPI) reveals that young adults from disadvantaged backgrounds, particularly those in low-income communities, have limited
access to quality education and skills training programs. This lack of access hinders their ability to acquire the necessary qualifications and skill demanded by today’s job market (EPI, 2022).

Systemic inequalities and socio-economic vulnerabilities

OSOW young adults, particularly minority groups and individuals from low-income households, continue to face systemic inequalities and socio-economic vulnerabilities. A report by the Center for American Progress highlights the
persistent disparities in unemployment rates and wages among young adults, emphasizing the need for targeted interventions to address these disparities (Center for American Progress, 2021).

Want to help?

Give non-profit organisation that collaborates with volunteers to deliver humanitarian aid and disaster relief to vulnerable communities.

Personal Info

Donation Total: $100

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